Diegetic UI

Making Diegetic UI

To add diegetic UI to your object we will need another actor.

This actor will be the actor that displays our ui.

Create an actor with parent class of ControlPanel.

First things first we need to have a component that describes orientation when the actor is displayed to the player.

For that we will add a Scene Component, position and rotate it as you wish.

Set the name of this component to CrackedOrientation.

For this component to actually do something we must specify its name inside CrackableActorComponent.

Open CrackableActorComponent and on the right side you should see a Cracked Orientation Component dropdown, open that dropdown.

In the dropdown set Component Property to be CrackedOrientation.

Also set these parameters:

Method: Set this to Hover Face Camera. This will make the object always follow camera when examining. Click to close: Uncheck this. This will prevent the ui from closing when we click anywhere. Cracks only on examine: Check this. Screen scale ratio: Set this to 1.8. This determines the size of our object on screen when examining it. Camera space offset: Set this to 450.0 175.0 -20.0. This determines the position of our object on screen. Pivot angle: Set this to 0.

But this will not do anything useful unless we setup ClickableComponent to actually open our ui.

Open ClickableComponent and set the following parameters:

Slow virtual cursor on hover: Uncheck this. Has use interaction by default: Check this. Use action requires hold: Uncheck this. Default use context: Set this to UC Examine. This deterimines which action will be displayed to the player when they hover over the object.

Now we need something to actually render on our screen, for this we will be using this example panel panel.fbx.

When importing this mesh to unreal make sure to check Skeletal Mesh under Mesh section and set the skeleton to None.

Now open the Mesh dropdown in SkeletalMesh component. Set Skeletal Mesh to be the mesh we just imported.


We are using a skeletal mesh, because if we use a static mesh for this, it will not be rendered in game.


If the Camera or Visibility channel collision will be enabled on any of the child components in this blueprint, it will cause your camera to glitch.

Adding Control Panel to the item

Now that we created the control panel it’s time to add it to the item.

Open your item blueprint.


If you were following the previous tutorial it is probably ExampleItem_BP

In the item blueprint add a Child Actor component. On this component set the Child Actor Class field to the control panel we created previously.

Remember to position child actor component in the viewport where you want it to be.

We also need to set up ClickableComponent in this blueprint too.

Open ClickableComponent and set the following parameters:

Slow virtual cursor on hover: Uncheck this. Has use interaction by default: Check this. Use action requires hold: Uncheck this. Default use context: Set this to UC Examine. This deterimines which action will be displayed to the player when they hover over the object.

At this point, the diegetic UI is done, so cook the mod and test it!