Metadata standard


If you are looking for metadata v1 standard, it has moved here. Please note that metadata v1 standard is outdated, and it’s recommended to use metadata v2 standard.

The following describes Schema Version 2.

The metadata of mods is stored in the JSON format, as described in RFC 8259, within a file with the name metadata.json. This file MUST be placed at the root directory within all .pak mods, MUST be encoded in UTF-8, and MUST NOT include a byte order mark.

The following is a list of fields that can be specified within the root object of the metadata:

  • schema_version: An integer that represents the current version of the metadata.json standard that is being used. The schema version is incremented every time there is a backwards-incompatible change to the format. This field SHOULD be specified, but if it is left unspecified, it defaults to 1, the initial version of the standard.

  • name: A plain text display name for the mod. This field is represented as a string, and is REQUIRED.

  • mod_id: The ID for the mod, which MUST be the exact same as the mod ID specified in the mod’s original file name, and follows the same restrictions and recommendations described within the .pak Mod File Names section. This field is represented as a string and is REQUIRED.

  • author: The author of the mod. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to an empty string.

  • description: A plain text display description of the mod. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to an empty string.

  • version: A version for the mod, which MUST be the exact same as the version found in the mod’s original file name, and follows the same restrictions and recommendations described within the .pak Mod File Names section. This field is represented as a string, and is REQUIRED.

  • game_build: The Astroneer build for which the mod was built. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL. It defaults to null, which is generally understood to mean that the mod works regardless of the current Astroneer build.

  • sync: The sync mode between servers and clients. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to "serverclient". Valid options are:

    • none: Represents a mod which will be ignored while syncing.

    • server: Represents a mod which will only be installed server-side.

    • client: Represents a mod which will only be installed client-side.

    • serverclient: Represents a mod which will be installed both server-side and client-side.

  • homepage: A link to the homepage of the mod, a web page where users can go to to find more information about the mod or the author of the mod. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to an empty string.

  • download: An object with fields defining how to auto-update the mod. This field is represented as an object, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to {}, in which case auto-updating is disabled. These are the valid fields:

    • type: The type of download. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL. Valid options:

      • "index_file": This mod can be downloaded through an “index file” hosted on the web, which contains the version info of any number of mods and their direct download web URLs. See Index File Standard.

    • url: If the type field is set to "index_file", this is set to the web URL of the mod’s index file. This field is represented as a string, and is OPTIONAL.

  • integrator: A json object containing integration sections to load into the game

    • persistent_actors: A standard JSON array of asset paths to actors to bake into the level. This field is represented as an array, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to [].

    • mission_trailheads: A standard JSON array of asset paths to mission trailheads (such as those found in the /Game/Missions folder) to bake into the level. This field is represented as an array, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to [].

    • linked_actor_components: A standard JSON object, where the keys are game paths to Actors and the values are standard JSON arrays that provide a list of game paths that the mod integrator will automatically attach to the specified Actors. This field is represented as an object, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to {}.

    • item_list_entries: A standard JSON object where the keys are game paths to any asset and the values are standard JSON objects where the keys are array names to modify in the asset and the values are standard JSON arrays which list entries to add to the specified array as object pointers. Alternatively, the array names to modify in the asset can be specified with the format category name.array name in order to hone in on one particular array. This field has a niche use, but is especially important in adding entries to commonly used item lists, such as the list of items that a certain printer can print or the global master list that contains items that need to be referenced on bootup for the research catalog or otherwise. This field is represented as an object, and is OPTIONAL, defaulting to {}.

    • biome_placement_modifiers: Placement modifiers used for adding custom procedurally generated actors.

  • dependencies: A json object containing dependencies that must be fetched for this mod to work. Dependency version requirements follow the semver standard.

As an example, here is a valid metadata.json file incorporating all of the defined fields:

     "schema_version": 2,
     "name": "Coordinate GUI",
     "mod_id": "CoordinateGUI",
     "author": "ExampleModder123",
     "description": "Adds a coordinate display that toggles with the F3 key.",
     "version": "0.1.0",
     "game_build": "",
     "sync": "client",
     "homepage": "",
     "download": {
         "type": "index_file",
         "url": ""
     "integrator": {
         "persistent_actors": [
         "mission_trailheads": [
         "linked_actor_components": {
             "/Game/Character/DesignAstro": [
         "item_list_entries": {
             "/Game/InitialUnlocks_Generous": {
                 "ItemTypes": [
                 "/Game/Items/BackpackRail": {
                     "PrinterComponent.Blueprints": [
     "dependencies": {
         "ModA": ">=1.2.0",
         "ModB": "*",
         "ModC": {
             "version": "^1.2.3",
             "download": {
                 "type": "index_file",
                 "url": ""

As another example, here is a valid metadata.json file containing only the "schema_version" field and the REQUIRED fields:

    "schema_version": 2,
    "name": "My Tiny Mod",
    "mod_id": "TinyMod",
    "version": "0.1.0"